Some of my favorites from M-Size are: -育精. Been playing lately Ditzy Demons Are In Love With Me!, aka koikuma, and seems to be a pretty great nukige with many characters covering different quirks, and sex scenes are also quite early and. They aren't required reading, but are meant to serve as a collection of good stories from a variety of genres that should be enjoyable to almost. What are some good nukige games? I have played a few nukige games, but still looking for some to play. Welcome to the official Visual Novels General Recommendation Chart. I'm thinking longer than 4 hours but 30 hours to finish is the absolute. 1. Eroge is any game that has sex scene in it. Club Life, Summer Fling come to mind. -熟圧. ChuSinGura 46+1 Bushi no Kodou (Only this fandisc, not the base game which has comically awful porn) Kikan Bakumatsu Ibun Last Cavalier. [deleted] • 2 yr. The Eroge Resistance. Sunrider series. What are some of your all-around favorite Nukige? From characters, to H-Scenes, to particular fetishes, to maybe even plot? Hit me with your all around favorites! My personal favorite would have to be Eroge! Sex and Games make Sexy Games,. kazurabakouta • 3 mo. 99. Go back in time to stop a rebellion in her kingdom and prepare for lewd battles, with consequences if you lose them! $0. ago. M-Size is a nukige developer company that is known for making, you guessed it, femdom nukiges. Can you guys recommend to me some Nukige/Adult visual novels that has a good "plot" and art? It would be better if it is animated, and I don't mind if it is above 6 gb because I know for sure it can have a good art quality. So, whether you're a fan of the the art, characters, voicing, the plot, or the PLOT, share some nukige you think someone should. Quote. Or try Bishojo Mangekyo. Nukige = Type of eroge with sex from almost start to finish. ago. 6. I just havent really read any nukige and so i'm just looking for your guys recommendations. A young girl kidnapped when returning home, now wakes up in an unknown place needing to fight to escape with the help of a mysterious voice, from this strange and at the. Essentially, we know that nukige tend not to be heavily plot-focused, but people are saying that some nukige can rival moege. Outlast and Witcher 3 can be considered if we are also considering games from all genres. It could be any genre, rgp, shump, slg, vn or whatever. $19. Best eroge or nukige that I can finish in a weekend. Uncensored. org] If you're looking for ero-rpg instead, you should check DLsite and modify the filters as you see fit, you can find absolutely any fetish you're into among a bunch of other options: DLsite Adult RPGs [CuratorThe plot is unbelieveably good for no discernable reason. Nukige is generally a VN focusing on sex scenes rather than plot. . My fiancée and her sister are leaving for the weekend and I was looking for really good eroges or nukiges that I can finish relatively quickly. #1. I was interested from the art, the setting and the character design. Domojaxx Sep 14, 2018 @ 3:30am. Last edited by Domojaxx ; Sep 14, 2018 @ 3:31am. If you're new to Visual Novels, the games outlined in Green are "starter" Visual Novels, recommended for introducing yourself to the medium. Nayleen. Kizuna Kirameku Koi Iroha (the Fandisc Tsubaki Renka also has some good scenes, although the harem and threesome ones are really bad) Ryuukishi Bloody Saga. i meant on this specific list, compared to the other games on which tier will you place them, assume isekai mahou to be the best nukige out there (though it is defenitely the best for me) and then rank relative to than. Maitetsu is fantastic and there are a lot of lolis, though that wasn't primarily the reason why I played it. Galge is focused on male mc romancing heroine/s as opposed to yuri, BL or otome games. Play as the powerful, cute and funny Demon King Nacht in this charming little RPG. Home for those who believe eroge shouldn't be restricted by platforms nor censorship. “Gal” derives from “girl”. Thanks for the suggestion. Monster Girl Quest is probably the best you have to choose from but even that one is a really low budget doujin with some questionable art. #2. I am kinda new and was wondering if you guys can point me to some good ones? If they are not on steam please tell me where I might be able to find. The best nukige I ever played was Erect. Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo is certified classic. Best. Read the full review. Posted September 11, 2014. Follow our curator page here. Story exists merely to make you more immersed in the constant intercourse/sexfest, thus increasing arousal by helping you suspend disbelief. -A5HURA- • 3 mo. M-Size Nukige. Sakura Dungeon, Sakura Swim Club, NekoNin ExHeart 1 and 2 (mosaic free). VNDB. -変態性癖ドミナンス - Femdom of Paraphilia. 99 Recommended June 6So Moege is literally “cute game”. lusterveritith • 2 yr. Location: ERROR, ERROR, FAILURE TO OBTAIN CONCLUSIVE DATA. ago. They usually make some pretty hardcore stuff so it’s definitely not for the faint of heart but the stories are next level. Let's make this group grow, so more and more people supports these on Steam and even more developers. 4k. Sideboob story side games are also not even side games, they're full length stories unto themselves. For more information about Nukige, and the best database you can find for visual novels, check: Nukige on VNDB [vndb. Fully translated to English is highly-preferable. Shinigami no Testament. Recommended May 22, 2022. I generally avoid nukige, but the level of quality in the storytelling overwhelmed my resistance. ABOUT Nukige. Nukige/Adult Visual Novels Recommendations. ago. 3 Posted August 18, 2014 I am looking for the best, of the best, of the best, of the best nukige!! Not really though.